Submission Marking Policy
Time is of the essence when competing head-to-head for leaderboard points, but it’s equally important to give us an answer we can easily understand.
The official stance is that as long as an answer is easy to read, and would always produce a successful outcome, it will be marked as correct.
To clarify our expectations around that statement, here are the key requirements:
- Each step must be numbered, and on a separate line.
- Major decisions such as casting spells, activating abilities, or attacking, should have their own steps.
- Triggers and other lesser effects can be included in an existing step.
- It’s somewhat subjective, but this is mostly so it’s easy for us to read.
- Track changing numbers as you go.
- If you deal damage to your opponent in several iterations, let us know how much life they have remaining after each step. (You can group several similar ones together though, such as multiple successive Blood Artist triggers.)
- Similarly, if there are complex steps regarding mana available, cards remaining in library, etc., help us follow your answer by including updates after each relevant step.
- Triggers not stated will be assumed to be missed.
- You can neglect to mention triggers that are irrelevant to the solution, but if you, for example, cast several spells but fail to mention that your Monastery Swiftspear has gotten bigger, we will mark the answer as though it is still a 1/2.
- You do not necessarily need to mention the trigger exactly when it occurs, as long as the solution acknowledges it somewhere. (i.e. “Attack with a 4/5 Monastery Swiftspear” would be sufficient.
- Targets must be clearly stated.
- Generalizations are acceptable when relevant, but be careful (i.e. “Doom Blade any blocker” is acceptable as long as it doesn’t matter which is targeted, but just “Cast Doom Blade” wouldn’t be, since you could in theory target your own creatures.)
- Combat must include some quantitative descriptors.
- In the simplest scenarios, it is sufficient to simply state the total power (i.e. for now blockers, “Swing for 6”, or for simple blockers, “Swing with all, get through for at least 3”.)
- In more complex scenarios, it would be expected to at least recount the power of all attackers.
- Answers must be valid for all possible outcomes.
- This means that multiple scenarios must be accounted for where a difference in outcome (such as due to the opponent’s blocking decision – even if it is an unusual one) could require you to take different steps.
- These multiple steps only need to be as descriptive as is necessary, and multiple scenarios may be described all at once as long as the decisions afterwards are identical. (i.e. “Giant Growth whichever creature is unblocked.)
- Wherever possible, describe the outcome of unintuitive interactions
- ex: If you counter your own Hypnotic Sprite because it’s relevant that it goes to the graveyard instead of exile, mention that briefly
- Typos and Magic slang will be tolerated as long as long as it doesn’t produce an ambiguous statement.
- ex: “Dome them for 3 with Bolt” is an acceptable replacement for “Cast Lightning Bolt, targeting the opponent to deal 3 damage, but just “Dome opp for 3” is not, since it’s not clear how you’re achieving that effect.
- “Attack” or “Swing” will always be assumed to mean all available creatures unless otherwise specified.
Generally speaking, we will do our best to mark your answer as correct. We will be as reasonable as possible with subjective requirements, and will not be looking to “catch you” on omissions. However in the fairness to all competitors, answers which leave out key information or are egregiously difficult to comprehend may be marked as incorrect.
The clearer your answer is, the easier it is for us to understand why it is correct, so help us help you!